Renovation of the Leopold II tunnel in Brussels

Tein Technology takes part in the Leopold II Tunnel renovation

With the full renovation of the Leopold II Tunnel in Brussels in sight, Tein Technology is pleased to announce that three new communication systems of the tunnel will be executed by our teams, overseen by Engie Fabricom, which was awarded the overall project.

Our teams will be responsible for following three aspects: installing a brand-new rugged IP network inside the tunnels, setting up a VoIP emergency phone system, and putting in place a public address and voice evacuating system.

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A new IP network

The first part of the project has just been set in motion: installing a new IP network. This part will be executed in several stages, as the first milestone is already scheduled for the end of August. This first segment will ensure that the most important technical rooms – where all the technology is centralized – will be running on the new network, as will some key exits.

teintech leopold  e

An eye to safety

The network will have two separate branches: one for the standard technological systems, such as VoIP, cameras and the public address system, and another for the SCADA system. This system controls all crucial technology, like lighting, pumps, electricity, etc. It is crucial to safety within the tunnels that these two branches are always up and running.

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